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Mission/Vision Statement


The vision statement is a picture of what The McKinney First Baptist Church ought to look like.  The mission statement answers the question; “How will The McKinney FBC accomplish their God-given mission?


MISSION STATEMENT - To present the word of God to all the saints in such a way that the Life of Jesus Christ manifest to and through them; and become their lifestyle so that the saints become God’s instruments in bringing the lost from the Kingdom of Darkness into God’s Marvelous Kingdom of Light and Life. 


VISION STATEMENT - We envision The McKinney First Baptist Church to be a House of God where the Saints gather to be EQUIPPED with Sound Biblical TEACHING; that results in communication with God our Creator through PRAYER; with the sole purpose of presenting each member complete in Christ;  thus  bringing the Saints together in Christian Fellowship that compels them to scatter to EVANGELIZE the lost and DISCIPLE the saved; beginning in McKinney, and then to the entire sphere of influence of this local church. 


VISION STATEMENT - (Three-fold Summary) - A House of God for PrayerTeachingand Equipping believers to obey the Great Commission – Share Christ with the lost and Disciple the saved.

The “Vision” of the Vision Statement


  • We envision a church that affirms the Scriptures as the inerrant Word of God and it has the final authority in all matters of life.  

  • We envision sharing the “Good News” of the Scriptures from the pulpit, the classrooms, and through the lives of each McKinney First Baptist Church member.

  • We will intentionally go out into the McKinney local community conducting PRAYER in all forms - “prayer walk” - praying on sight with insight within our community while sharing the gospel as we evangelize the entire community.

  • We envision teaching and training our congregation to confidently share the Gospel in their daily spheres of influence while being a living example of the Word of God.

  • We envision The McKinney First Baptist Church as a “House of Prayer” with prayer as our first resort and never our last plea.  

  • We envision a vibrant prayer ministry that serves as the power source and catalyst for all ministries.  

  • We envision a corporate prayer meeting called the “S.H.O.P.” – Sweet Hour of Prayer each Tuesday night 7pm-8pm.

  • We envision Saturday Prayer sessions whereby members of the prayer ministry team will pray for the worship services, church leadership, the entire community, and prayer requests from church members in a confidential manner.  

  • We envision a church where the lost, those hurting, depressed, frustrated, rejected, lonely, and confused can find love, acceptance, help, hope, spiritual guidance, forgiveness, restoration, encouragement, and a sense of belonging.

  • We envision a worship service where the saints worship God in faith, love, and in truth.

  • We envision a church that will be a safe haven where we accept one another, love one another, forgive one another, fellowship with one another, and serve one another to the Glory of God.

  • We envision a church with a vibrant children’s and youth ministry to nurture our children and youth in the faith to know Jesus the Christ as their Lord and Savior.  

  • We envision a church where the older and matured saints who are keen in serving the Lord (Seasoned Saints Ministry – 55 years and older) will be a relevant ministry where the wisdom of seasoned matured saints will be at the disposal of young Christians.   

  • We envision a church that will help provide for both the spiritual and material needs of the community of which it is located.  

  • We envision a ministry that will include a food pantry, clothing shop, and household items for those in need within the community.  

  • We envision a well-equipped staff and volunteers who meet the needs of the local church and community (i.e. – Education, Prayer, Counseling, Children/Youth Servant Leader, Young Adult, Marriage, Seasoned Saints, & Evangelism ministries).

  • We envision a church whereby attending Bible Study and Sunday Morning Bible Study on a consistent basis will be the norm.  

  • We envision a church where repentance from sin will be one of its practices.  

  • We envision a church where we will express our love and obedience to God through the giving of our time, talents and our treasures.

  • We envision a church that will equip every member to identify, develop, and exercise their spiritual gift(s) natural talents, experiences and resources for the Glory of God and the edification of the church.

  • We envision a church that will demonstrate the Biblical model for marriage and the family.

  • We envision a vibrant young adult (18-35 year olds) and singles ministry.


Worship Service Times
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Sunday Service Times

  • Sunday School - 9:00 a.m.

  • Worship - 10:15 a.m


Meeting Times

  • Tuesday - S.H.O.P (Sweet Hour of Prayer) @ 7-8 p.m.

  • Wednesday - Bible Study @ 7-8 p.m.

  • Wednesday - Noon Bible Study

401 W. Erwin Ave

McKinney TX  75069

PH: 972-562-1877

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