Where all are welcome, loved and united in Christ!
Mission/Vision Statement
The vision statement is a picture of what The McKinney First Baptist Church ought to look like. The mission statement answers the question; “How will The McKinney FBC accomplish their God-given mission?
MISSION STATEMENT - To present the word of God to all the saints in such a way that the Life of Jesus Christ manifest to and through them; and become their lifestyle so that the saints become God’s instruments in bringing the lost from the Kingdom of Darkness into God’s Marvelous Kingdom of Light and Life.
VISION STATEMENT - We envision The McKinney First Baptist Church to be a House of God where the Saints gather to be EQUIPPED with Sound Biblical TEACHING; that results in communication with God our Creator through PRAYER; with the sole purpose of presenting each member complete in Christ; thus bringing the Saints together in Christian Fellowship that compels them to scatter to EVANGELIZE the lost and DISCIPLE the saved; beginning in McKinney, and then to the entire sphere of influence of this local church.
VISION STATEMENT - (Three-fold Summary) - A House of God for Prayer, Teaching, and Equipping believers to obey the Great Commission – Share Christ with the lost and Disciple the saved.
The “Vision” of the Vision Statement
We envision a church that affirms the Scriptures as the inerrant Word of God and it has the final authority in all matters of life.
We envision sharing the “Good News” of the Scriptures from the pulpit, the classrooms, and through the lives of each McKinney First Baptist Church member.
We will intentionally go out into the McKinney local community conducting PRAYER in all forms - “prayer walk” - praying on sight with insight within our community while sharing the gospel as we evangelize the entire community.
We envision teaching and training our congregation to confidently share the Gospel in their daily spheres of influence while being a living example of the Word of God.
We envision The McKinney First Baptist Church as a “House of Prayer” with prayer as our first resort and never our last plea.
We envision a vibrant prayer ministry that serves as the power source and catalyst for all ministries.
We envision a corporate prayer meeting called the “S.H.O.P.” – Sweet Hour of Prayer each Tuesday night 7pm-8pm.
We envision Saturday Prayer sessions whereby members of the prayer ministry team will pray for the worship services, church leadership, the entire community, and prayer requests from church members in a confidential manner.
We envision a church where the lost, those hurting, depressed, frustrated, rejected, lonely, and confused can find love, acceptance, help, hope, spiritual guidance, forgiveness, restoration, encouragement, and a sense of belonging.
We envision a worship service where the saints worship God in faith, love, and in truth.
We envision a church that will be a safe haven where we accept one another, love one another, forgive one another, fellowship with one another, and serve one another to the Glory of God.
We envision a church with a vibrant children’s and youth ministry to nurture our children and youth in the faith to know Jesus the Christ as their Lord and Savior.
We envision a church where the older and matured saints who are keen in serving the Lord (Seasoned Saints Ministry – 55 years and older) will be a relevant ministry where the wisdom of seasoned matured saints will be at the disposal of young Christians.
We envision a church that will help provide for both the spiritual and material needs of the community of which it is located.
We envision a ministry that will include a food pantry, clothing shop, and household items for those in need within the community.
We envision a well-equipped staff and volunteers who meet the needs of the local church and community (i.e. – Education, Prayer, Counseling, Children/Youth Servant Leader, Young Adult, Marriage, Seasoned Saints, & Evangelism ministries).
We envision a church whereby attending Bible Study and Sunday Morning Bible Study on a consistent basis will be the norm.
We envision a church where repentance from sin will be one of its practices.
We envision a church where we will express our love and obedience to God through the giving of our time, talents and our treasures.
We envision a church that will equip every member to identify, develop, and exercise their spiritual gift(s) natural talents, experiences and resources for the Glory of God and the edification of the church.
We envision a church that will demonstrate the Biblical model for marriage and the family.
We envision a vibrant young adult (18-35 year olds) and singles ministry.